

Category: Underground Music Platform

Services: Built KinerkTube website (Next.js, Node.js) for an underground music community. Features a GPS directory, review site, and social network, supporting artists, businesses, and fans.

Picture of the author


Increase in traffic that the platform receives


Users accessing the platform during a day


Chances of application failure


Creating a versatile platform for the underground music community involved addressing various technical and user engagement challenges. These included optimizing database performance for music uploads, integrating social networking features, and ensuring scalability for growing user interactions.

Optimizing MongoDB and Express.js for efficient management of music uploads and data storage.

Implementing social networking tools for user interaction and community engagement.

Designing a dynamic and responsive UI/UX that enhances user experience across devices.

Scaling the platform to accommodate increasing user base and content volume.


By leveraging Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, the project team successfully addressed these challenges, delivering a robust and user-friendly platform that supports the diverse needs of the underground music community.

Implemented MongoDB for efficient storage and management of music-related data.

Integrated social networking features to foster community interaction and engagement.

Designed a responsive UI/UX interface that enhances user experience and accessibility.

Scaled the platform architecture to accommodate growing user base and content demands.